Are you a proud owner of the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380? This compact and reliable firearm has gained popularity among concealed carry enthusiasts for its sleek design and ease of use. However, like any other firearm, it is not without its fair share of issues. In this blog post, we will explore the Top 5 Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problems and provide you with practical solutions to fix them. Whether you’re experiencing trigger pull issues or light primer strikes, fear not! We’ve got you covered with our handy troubleshooting guide. So let’s dive in and address these common problems head-on!
Top 5 Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problems and Its Solutions
1- Trigger Pull Issue

One common Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problems is the trigger pull. Many gun enthusiasts have experienced this issue, but fear not, there is a solution!
The problem lies in the heavy and gritty trigger pull of the Bodyguard 380. It can be difficult to achieve an accurate shot when you’re fighting against a stiff trigger. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to improve it.
One solution is to invest in a lighter trigger spring kit. This will reduce the weight of the trigger pull and make it smoother, allowing for more precise shots. Another option is to practice dry firing your firearm regularly. This will help to break-in and smooth out the action over time.
Don’t let this S&W Bodyguard 380 problems discourage you from enjoying your shooting experience. With some patience and experimentation, you’ll be able to overcome this obstacle and enhance your shooting experience
2- Slide Lock Problem

To fix this issue, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure your grip on the firearm is firm and consistent. A loose grip or improper hand placement can cause interference with the slide lock mechanism. Additionally, check for any debris or obstructions that may be preventing the proper function of the slide lock.
3- Problem with the Magazine Drop
Another very common Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problem is the Magazine drop. This can be quite frustrating, as it hampers the smooth functioning of the firearm. Fortunately, there are ways to address this problem.
Ensure that you are using high-quality magazines that are compatible with your Bodyguard 380. Low-quality or aftermarket magazines may not fit properly and could cause feeding issues or failures during operation.
Furthermore, make sure you are applying sufficient pressure on the magazine release button while trying to drop the magazine. Sometimes users may unknowingly apply insufficient force which leads to incomplete ejection.
4- Light Primer Strikes
Another common Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problems that owners may encounter is a problem with Light primer strikes. When the firing pin doesn’t hit the primer with enough force, it can result in misfires or failure to ignite the cartridge. This issue is often caused by a weak spring or improper alignment of the firing pin.
One possible solution is to replace the factory firing pin spring with an aftermarket one that provides more tension. This can help ensure that the firing pin strikes the primer with sufficient force every time.
By taking proactive measures like replacing springs, cleaning/lubricating components, and seeking expert help when needed, you can overcome light primer strike issues with your Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380.
5- Firing Issue
One of the common issues that users may encounter with the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 is a firing issue. This problem can be frustrating for gun owners, as it affects the reliability and functionality of their firearms.
The firing issue typically manifests in failures to fire or misfires. These can occur sporadically or consistently, which can greatly diminish the overall shooting experience. When you pull the trigger, nothing happens, or you hear a click instead of a bang.
There are several potential causes for this problem. One possibility is an improper grip on the pistol, resulting in inadequate pressure on the trigger. Another factor could be ammunition-related issues like using old or improperly stored rounds that may not function correctly.
To address this S&W Bodyguard 380 Problem, start by ensuring that your grip on the pistol is firm and consistent each time you shoot. Additionally, always use fresh and reliable ammunition from reputable manufacturers.
Troubleshooting such issues should always prioritize safety first – never attempt to modify or repair your firearm unless you are trained and experienced in doing so.
1. Is the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 a reliable firearm?
Absolutely! While some users may experience issues, it is important to note that every gun can have its own unique set of problems. The majority of owners find the Bodyguard 380 to be a trustworthy and dependable self-defense weapon.
2. How can I fix the trigger pull issue?
One common complaint with the Bodyguard 380 is its heavy trigger pull. However, there are simple solutions available such as installing an aftermarket trigger kit or seeking professional help from a gunsmith who can perform modifications to lighten the trigger pull.
3. What should I do if my slide lock is not functioning properly?
If you find that your slide lock is not engaging properly, first check for any debris or obstructions in the mechanism. Clean it thoroughly and ensure proper lubrication. If this does not solve the problem, consult a knowledgeable gunsmith for further assistance.
4: Why does my magazine drop unexpectedly during shooting?
This issue could be caused by either worn-out magazine catch springs or damaged magazines themselves. Replace these components if necessary, ensuring they are genuine Smith and Wesson parts for optimal performance.
5: What can cause light primer strikes in my Bodyguard 380?
Light primer strikes often occur due to weak hammer springs or faulty ammunition primers. Replacing the spring with a stronger one should resolve this problem, while using high-quality ammunition will also minimize any potential issues.
In this article, we have investigated the main Top 5 Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Problems and gave pragmatic answers to fix them. Keep in mind, that possessing a gun accompanies liability, including grasping its complexities and being ready to investigate any issues that might emerge.
While the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 is a dependable and famous decision for individual protection, it isn’t without its difficulties. The trigger draw issue can be tended to by carrying out legitimate finger arrangement strategies or looking for proficient preparation. Slide lock issues can frequently be settled by guaranteeing a solid grasp during shooting meetings.
By resolving these normal issues head-on and utilizing our proposed arrangements, you can appreciate the smoother activity and further developed execution from your Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 Remain informed, and remain safe!